Saturday, March 30, 2013

What Makes Someone Gay?

Let me elaborate on my last post. 

It's not that Gay isn't real. It's not that people don't REALLY have those attractions. However, there is a lot more to it than meets the eye. Even those (male or female) who struggle with same-sex attraction often don't realize or see some of these things.

I ask that you read this with an open heart and an open mind. And if you really want to understand... you will. I don't doubt that there will be those close minded, hard-hearted, and firm in their ways and that this entry alone will bring a lot of controversy. This also is not intended for children's ears, but parents can use it at their discretion. I am mainly posting this in an effort to help the following people. 
  • Those who do not understand Gays, and don't know what to think, or how to act around them.
  • Those who are struggling with Same-Sex attraction, and don't like it, want to change, or even just to understand it.
  • Those who are not sure what their stance is regarding this topic.
First off, I truly believe that there are those who literally struggle with same-sex attraction. It's not something made up. However, it is important to note, that it is NOT inborn, and it is NOT permanent or unchangeable. 

 Homosexuality is not genetic. There is no "gay center" in the brain. Statistic that claim there is, have been twisted and turned to say what others want to hear. Yet, truthfully they prove otherwise.  However, there are genetics, inborn traits and qualities that are consistent with the gender at birth. That means that your gender is an essential characteristic of who you really are, of your divinity. 

So what is "Gay"? Why do people experience those feelings and tendencies?

Now this is where things become especially delicate. If you know of someone who is Gay or you are innocent minded please be cautious as you read this. Also be tender in your dealings with others, so as to not offend. 

Being Gay is not a matter of sex. It's a matter of intimacy (not physical sexual intimacy, rather closeness, trust, and a feeling safety and acceptance.) Let me explain.

 Darryl Bem has a set of factors which he calls The Exotic becomes the Erotic. It's a total of 6 factors that play into the tendencies for Same-Sex Attraction. What happens is that we are all made of a different make-up. Children display a wide range of temperaments. Some are more calm, others are more aggressive, some are passive, some are active. Anyone that has had more than one child can see this within weeks and months after their births. That is the first factor.  We all know those girls or boys that liked things of the opposite gender growing up. There was nothing wrong with it, a little 4 year old girl can go play in the dirt just fine, a little 3 year-old boy can hold a baby doll. It's considered cute and fun. That is the 2nd factor. And there is nothing wrong with either of those factors. It doesn't change your gender-attraction at all. At this point you’re still a boy or still a girl, with hardly another care in the world. 
      As the child (we'll say a young boy to keep things simple) grows, he begins to feel a little left out. The other boys like playing with dirt and trucks, and worms. He simply doesn't want to get dirty. So in a sense the other boys start to reject him. Factor 3. Note-He still isn't Gay. 
4th Factor- He feels different from the other boys. Not Gay different, rather he just doesn't know how to play with them like he does the girls. 5th Factor- He develops an interest in the boys (NOT in a sexual way), just because they do different things them him. He is curious; he wants to figure them out. Note this often occurs the same time other boys begin to take an interest in girls. (Remember girls still have cooties... but it’s important to see that the boys are beginning to be interested in those that are different from themselves). The boy we are using as an example plays with girls just fine. There is nothing unusual about them; he "gets them" in a sense; they are just "normal."
      Okay, up to this point, there is still no "Gay" developing. This is normal interpersonal social developments. In the boys mind, "Gays" are still different from HIMSELF. 
      Factor 6. The interest becomes sexualized or romanticized. He begins thinking of boys in a sexual way or having physical affection normally reserved for the opposite gender. But that doesn't just happen on its own. There are two other sub-factors.

      ONE---Even at the age of 5, FIVE! Children are calling other children "Gay" because of their differences in personalities and likes. Of course this is going to get into the head and eventually make the young boy wonder, "Am I really? I MUST be..." As the boy grows, and eventually is at Factor 5, the term "Gay" is practically his nick-name. He begins to act that way... and he begins to fantasize. 

     TWO-- (And remember the delicacy of this) the majority of people that consider themselves Gay have been sexually molested. In fact, it is 4 times more likely for someone to say they are Gay later in life if earlier they were sexually abused or mistreated. Especially if this occurred during the stages for the normal process of sexual development. Also, 68% of Gay men, who were molested by the same gender, did NOT even consider thinking themselves gay until that moment of molestation.
Bodies react. If you do something to stimulate it, it will be stimulated. That does not mean that your attraction is to that gender. That just means that your body is doing what it is supposed to. However, those who have an experience in which their body is aroused (especially those who have already been labeled or set apart from society), often subconsciously think "Whoa, I reacted to that..." Then they likely will experiment to "double-check". Obviously a similar reaction is going to occur. They are still in the stages of sexual development so all this is new to them. They take the reaction as positive proof, and come to the conclusion, "I must be Gay."

Again, please remember to be sensitive about this with others. And do you begin to see how being gay wasn't a matter of sexuality? Rather it was a desire to be close to those that you’re not typically close to. It's a desire for feelings closeness, trust, and safety and acceptance. It is something that most people - whether they are straight or whether they struggle with Same-Sex Attraction - don't even see or realize until working closely with a counselor. It's not something to be made light of. And it’s not something to consider unreal. Those who have Same-Sex Attraction really do develop feelings and attachments for that gender. However, it can be overcome if one is sincerely willing, and seeks the right help. 

Please, please, please don't think that I have any prejudices against those who are gay. It's simply not the case. I know that we are all Sons and Daughters of a loving Heavenly Father, a God, who wants us to have the utmost happiness. For that reason have I shared this, in order and in an effort to bring a greater understanding to those who are seeking it. 

Also, I’m aware that there are additional factors that play into Gay tendencies. Here is just a beginning for you, and for more understanding, please view the following resources.

ABC NEWS, Men, Women and the Sex Difference. (50min) 

BYU Instructor, Same-Sex Attraction (25min)

Also there is an INCREDIBLE book, I wish EVERYONE could read. It is called Understanding Same-Sex Attraction: Where to Turn and How to Help. It looks like this:
It's about $20 at Deseret Book, and well-worth your penny. 

"Wow! with all this gay marriage stuff I am so glad to have a prophet of God here on the earth to help us know God's will. The prophet has declared that "marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God." The church understands that some people are gay and wants to help but "the Church is strongly on the record as opposing same-sex marriage." Elder Holland stated, "no one is entitled to act as if God is mute on these subjects." I know God's stance on gay marriage, will do what I can to oppose it and will not support it in the slightest."

It's not that I don't care for or love those who struggle with same sex attraction, but I honestly, truthfully, cannot and will not support it when I know that it goes against the natural Laws and commandments of God. I'm also grateful for the Family Proclamation that was given to us long before any of this became an issue. Goes to show that the Lord knew and firmly stated His word years in advance.

Feel free to also view this website, in which it more fully address the LDS (Mormon) beliefs regarding Gays in a non-attacking or degrading manner.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

More on Dating


Image from How to Avoid Marrying a Jerk by John Van Epp

You should never do more of the preceding column then of the first. For example, you should never trust someone more than you know them. You should never touch them more then you are committed to them.  In fact, this picture is a wonderful example of what relationships should be like (ESPECIALLY before marriage). Make sure that there is always a balance.

The purpose and steps of dating:

So what is a date? There is something we call the “3 P’s”.  They are as follows:
  • ·        Planned (organized and prepared)
  • ·        Paid for (usually the man does this, especially if he asked. There is no “Dutch”)
  • ·        Paired off (even in group dates you have someone who is “your date”, it’s NOT just hanging out)

Dating isn’t just about “mate-selection”. No, there is much more too it. It’s for practice too!

If you take the three responsibilities fathers have in their homes (preside, provide and protect) found in the Family Proclamation and compare them with the 3 P’s of dating you will find how closely related they are.
  • ·        Paid For-----Provide (Manage the resources, the location, the supplies etc)
  • ·        Planned----- Preside (Take charge, make decisions-not the boss, but an “executive officer”)
  • ·        Paired off----- Protect (Sense of security and stability, companionship, keep each other in check morally)

It’s is also practice for the women. If you look at her roles as a mother (under the above link) we can make those same connections. As women we are to nurture those around us, as date you may help to protect feelings, help the guy know you appreciate them. Maintain chaste (sexually pure) and help the guy do so as well. Nurture, encourage and reinforce positive decisions.

The patterns established in dating will ultimately be the patterns for marriage.

Dating does have many purposes:
  • ·        Recreation and Fun
  • ·        Intimacy and companionship (intimacy refers to closeness, not sex)
  • ·        Mate selection
  • ·        Status attainment
  • ·        Socialization, and being socialized (learning to function with individuals and in groups)

I think up to those point I have used the term “dating” very liberally. However when I say “dating” I do not mean “boyfriend girlfriend” I literally mean going on dates.

There are distinct steps to finding a spouse.
  • Dating--going on dates with a variety of people, in a variety of activities
  • Courtship--exclusive dating. This is generally with one person, and you both feel that up to this point you have been compatible enough to move forward. The sole purpose of this phase is to determine further if you are compatible for marriage. If you don’t want marriage, don’t be exclusive.
  • Engagement-Prepare together for marriage (not sexually! This making the wedding plans, and letting people know it’s happening. Questions about finances, addictions, family, backgrounds should have been answered LONG before this point)
  • Marriage-Enjoy being together! (Now, and only now can and should relationship become sexual)

In today’s world we tend to “slide” from stage to stage, and “oh well, we will just see where it goes” or “maybe if I sleep with him we will know if we love each other” or “He asked me on a date! Maybe we’ll kiss, maybe he/she will become my boy/girlfriend.” These are all false premises!  That is like saying “I already have to be a candidate for marriage before my first date with you”.
        No, these steps need to be distinct and thought-out. They need to be discussed, you should have the question, “Well he held my hand… so I think that we are exclusive… maybe?” Always have, what we like to call DTR’s-Determine The Relationship. Talk about it, and figure out where you truly stand.

If you are struggling with what standards you should set for dating, visit this link:

Dating and Courting

“Don’t wait for the perfect prince charming to come pick you up. Be productive and proactive. Sanctify yourself, be the kind of spouse you want to marry.”

Did you know that it takes about 3-6 months before you become completely yourself… before your “shiny wears off”. Think about how many marriages take place during that time (meet, engaged and married within 6 months)

Be conscious and intentional with How you date.

“You don’t only marry who you date, but how you date.” What is this, “who” and “how” business? First “who”- obviously you are going to marry someone whom you dated…. But it’s not talking about that. It’s talking about the kind of person you will marry. For example you can’t say, I want to marry a farmer and then only date city-slicks. Or a better example, for those of you who are religious, it is unwise to say, I am going to marry a Christian, or someone who can take me to the LDS Temple… and then only date atheists, or vice versa. The point I’m trying to make is that the kind of people you have close associations with, are the kind of people you will find yourself marrying.

Now for the “how”-If your relationship is purely physical, then once you are married that is not likely to change. If your relationship is a very “open” relationship (i.e. you can still flirt and date other people) before your marriage, expect only infidelity and heartbreak after marriage. If your partner doesn’t respect the opposite gender, don’t expect that to change because “I’ll be his wife”. It doesn’t work that way. If you have trouble communicating with your fiancĂ©, or you can’t open up with each other… you better change that now.

So what influences who you date? I think it would be safe to say these following three reasons:
·        Propinquity-nearness, ability to communicate, access (i.e. location, or means of communication)
·        Physical Attraction-Subconsciously we connect positive attributes to those we think are physically attractive.
·        Similarities-Are you compatible enough, but not too closely the same?

But “dating” doesn’t just happen. There are three things we call the “Know-Quo”. It’s what it takes to get to know someone.
·        Time (Takes 3-6 months minimum to get to know someone fully)
·        Togetherness (A variety of shared activities)
·        Talk (Mutual self-disclosure- i.e. “This is how I feel about….”)

Often young couples will come in for counseling and say something along the lines of “He doesn’t every talk to me about how he’s feeling.” Or “She doesn’t tell me what’s going on.” And when traced back to their dating… they didn’t talk and verbalize those things. They always, however, feel like the communicated a lot. “We talked all the time! We were always together...” But when questioned about their conversations it’s more about movies, games, food, schoolwork… and not about emotions. Before marriage you need to be sure that you have that mutual disclosure with each other.