Thursday, January 17, 2013

Marriage. Like a pair of scissors.

       Family is ordained of God. It has been from the beginning of time. Men and women are meant to be together, to raise children in righteousness and love.
       The other day I heard an analogy that I want to share with you. Marriage is like a pair of scissors. There are two separate individuals. You and your spouse, lets imagine each of you as sides of the scissors. If you were the same person (or made out of the same piece) it wouldn't work.  But when separate, and then connected together (by the bonds of marriage), you are able to work side-by-side, in unison. You each have to put forth 100% effort, and when you do you find success, you become much happier.
       Imagine a pair of scissors and one half said "no way, I'm not doing that" and only closed 1/2 the way... the other side can't just carry the load, and eventually after enough pressure mounts the scissors would break. Let's prevent that in our marriages, and start thinking a little bit more about the other person and much less about ourselves. Let us stand side-by-side our spouse in the thick and the thin, and learn to work together.

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